LSC offers cadet program to maritime students and graduates on its tehnical managed fleet. If you are maritime student or a graduate and wish to start a carrier in a fast growing maritime company.
Apply for LSC cadet program November (for period January-June) or in March (for period July-December) and start your carrier now!
The application for the period January – June, 2025 is CLOSED.
Check the list of new cadets
WHO can apply?
Students who meet following criteria:
- Full time student Maritime students and graduates who are willing to improve and be a part of LSC team
HOW to apply?
In order to participate prepare and send to CREWINg@LSCGROUP.LV :
- Motivation letter – Why we should choose YOU?
- List of grades from all semesters
- LSC application form (dowload below)
Please note, all attachements MUST named as follows Name_Surname_Documentname (example Janis_Students_motivation letter).