LSC expresses gratitude to MPA Singapure

Within these challenging times and ongoing pandemic situation all over the world, when all crewing companies are facing unprecedent difficulties with crew change arrangements due to port restrictions, we would like to express our gratitude to MPA Singapore for their support and exceptional attendance to a very specific case related to one of our vessels ELANDRA ELBRUS.

The Company was desperately seeking any possible opportunity for disembarkation and safe repatriation for crew members overstaying their contract on board for almost two months. We have to stress upon the fact that their relievers were working on board all this time and needless to mention how difficult and stressful the situation was in reality.

In spite of the restrictions imposed, we have applied to Singapore MPA, requesting to consider the gents’ repatriation, having described this unusual situation, which did not fall under any category listed.

MPA staff was online daily and nightly, in spite of time difference, attending our issue with understanding and high level professionalism, having given a Chance to us and Hope to our seafarers.

Dear Sirs, without your kind attention, efforts, professional unity and big hearts this would have been impossible.

Thank you!!

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