Explore your opportunities with #TeamLSC Immediate hiring! send your CV to crewing@
2025. year 26. marchExplore your opportunities with #TeamLSC Immediate hiring! send your CV to crewing@lscgroup.lv
Explore your opportunities with #TeamLSC Immediate hiring! send your CV to crewing@lscgroup.lv
We are proud of #TeamLSC aboard our LPG/C ”Belgravia V”, where both the current Master and Chief Engineer are teachers at Maritime Academy! 🚢 In a short period, the crew has developed significantly: 2 LPG Masters, 1 C/O, 3 2/O, 2 2/E, 1 4/E, and several members are just one step away from the next
Save the date! 🗓️ Starting March 31st, registration for the Cadet Program opens! Calling all full-time maritime students and graduates ready to embark on a journey of growth and join the #TeamLSC. Ready to set sail and chart your career course? Prepare now and get ready for the adventure ahead! 🚢🌊 Find more about requirements:
Explore your opportunities with #TeamLSC Apply now! https://lscgroup.lv/en/careers/vacancies/
Ar prieku izziņojam Krišjāņa Valdemāra 200. jubilejas fotokonkursa uzvarētāju – Tomu Loginu! 👏📸 Apkopojot balsis no Facebook un Instagram, konkursā uzvarējusi 12. fotogrāfija – “Ziemeļblāzma Norvēģijas ziemeļos”. 🚢 No sirds apsveicam Tomu un drīzumā sazināsimies personīgi, lai nodotu balvu! Paldies visiem, kuri iesūtīja skaistās fotogrāfijas – jūtams, ka jūra latvietim ir ļoti tuva. 🌊
#teamLSC 💙 #FlowMovie 🐈⬛ We are beyond proud of the Latvian film Flow for winning the Oscar! 🎬🏆 This incredible achievement showcases the talent and passion that Latvia has to offer to the world. We couldn’t be more excited for the entire team behind this beautiful film! Wishing everyone a smooth #flow that leads you
Arī šogad, kā kā jau gadu desmitiem, LSC sniedz ziedojumu Ainažu Jūrskolas Muzejam, popularizējot jūrniecību un cildinot jūrniecības veterānus. Mūsu mērķis ir rosināt jauniešu interesi par karjeru jūrniecībā, saglabājot šīs profesijas nozīmīgumu. 🌊⚓️ Iegūsti zināšanas, kas atver durvis uz starptautisku karjeru un neaizmirstamiem piedzīvojumiem! 🚢
Last weekend, our dedicated LSC Crewing representatives had the opportunity to visit our tanker Salacgriva at the Ventspils Port. 🚢⚓️ It was a nice day spent with the crew, strengthening our bond and ensuring everything is running smoothly on board. We’re proud of the teamwork and commitment that keeps our operations sailing forward. 👏🌊
Thanks to all Officers’ who attended our Seminar in person or at sea, we appreciate your participation! 🌊🙏 LSC is grateful for your involvement in future of #teamLSC. 🚢