The LSC will award generous scholarships to maritime students

To support the development of the maritime sector in Latvia and the growth of new specialists, SIA LSC, in cooperation with the Latvian Maritime Academy and the Latvian Maritime Education and Research Development Fund, will provide scholarships of EUR 60 thousand to maritime students.


It is planned that the number of scholarship amount will be doubled this year and to provide 16 students. The amount of donated scholarships is divided into three levels and will be granted monthly. Ten students will receive first-time scholarships of EUR 200 per month to supplement their practical skills during the six-month period from November 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020, while five students will receive grants of EUR 500 per month over a ten-month period. There will also be one gold grant recipient whose monthly scholarship will amount to € 600 per month during a ten-month traineeship.


Part of the allocated funds will be used to develop student innovation and support innovation leaders.


For the first time this year scholarships are awarded by LSC in cooperation with the Latvian Maritime Academy and the Latvian Maritime Education and Research Development Foundation for the promotion of students’ practical skills. Students of the Latvian Maritime Academy and the Liepaja Maritime College, who have completed their maritime practice since the 2nd year, can apply for the scholarship competition. Granting scholarships will assess applicants’ competencies, skills and motivation, but most will consist of marine practice assessment. Applicants will be judged by representatives of LSC Ltd, academic staff of Latvian Maritime Academy and representatives of Latvian Maritime Education and Research Development Foundation.


Until October 25 (including) students have the opportunity to apply for scholarships on the website of the Latvian Maritime Academy, “LSC Practical Skills Promotion Scholarship”. Welcome to the opportunity!


Student scholarship is implemented through the European Regional Development Fund Operational Program Innovation Grants for Students, Project “Innovation Grants for Maritime Students” Nr. support.

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